If you seek a compilation of the most inspiring and impactful XXXTentacion Quotes, we have curated a special selection just for you. These quotes encompass a range of sources, from his popular songs like “SAD!” and “Jocelyn Flores” to his insightful interviews and thought-provoking social media posts. Within his words lies a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be discovered.
XXXTentacion gained renown for his unfiltered and emotionally charged style that struck a profound chord with his listeners. His words delved into crucial subjects like mental health, social justice, and self-improvement, serving as a powerful voice for those who experienced feelings of marginalization or being misunderstood.
Among the standout XXXTentacion Quotes, you’ll find reflections on self-love, mental health, and the significance of authenticity. Additionally, some quotes provide astute social commentary on topics like police brutality, racial inequality, and the flaws within the criminal justice system.
Discover the transformative power of XXXTentacion’s words, capable of lifting spirits and inspiring change. Whether you seek a mood booster or a fresh perspective, delve into his unique viewpoints to grasp the impact he left on both society and the music industry. Explore our curated selection of renowned XXXTentacion Quotes today.

Quotes by XXXTentacion
1. Don’t let them ever make you feel like you’re less than what you are.
2. What is money really worth if it ain’t love?
3. Make sure you are being healthy in mind, being caring, compromising for the ones you love, being loyal to the ones you love. If you love someone you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right.
4. If you love someone you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right.
5. My heart can’t take this damage.
6. The enemy does not want you to be happy, be happy, always.
7. Life is a matter of perception. Everything is a riddle. You can simplify if you diversify your thoughts.
8. People always leave. Don’t get too attached.
9. Some kill, some steal, some break your heart.
10. So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find. A way of envisioning a better life.
11. Depression and obsession don’t mix well.
12. The reason why I keep my feelings to myself is because I can’t explain them, not even to myself.
13. All alone, call my phone, make me feel right.
14. Please don’t throw your love away.
15. I used to beat kids at school just to get her to talk to me, yell at me.
16. I’m lost then I’m found.
17. Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? Why am I so in love? I don’t know why.
18. I’m sadder than most of you with the money and the freedom.
19. I can’t seem to find someone’s shoulder, Who will I rely on when it’s over?
20. I want to be remembered as someone who always tried to be positive in a negative situation.

XXXTentacion Love Quotes
21. Who am I? Someone that’s afraid to let go.
22. You decide if you’re ever gonna let me know.
23. You ain’t even showing me the love you say you got for me.
24. Is my pain your freedom?
25. Only time I feel pain, when I’m feelin’ love.
26. Be kind to one another, even when it’s not requested.
27. Memories surface through the grapevine.
28. Time is valuable.. don’t waste it.
29. But it’s torture being in love.
30. Being alone really makes you realize all you got is yourself.
XXXTentacion Quotes About Life
Life quotes profound wisdom encapsulating human existence, offering insight and inspiration. They comfort, motivate, and guide, reminding us to cherish the present, embrace change, and persevere through challenges, all in pursuit of fulfillment and happiness.
31. You can’t do good if you’re wishing bad on others.
32. In life you don’t need a lot of friends, just the right ones.
33. Make sure you are being healthy in mind, being caring, compromising for the ones you love, being loyal to the ones you love. If you love someone you’re supposed to be dedicated to them, right?
34. We’re all fighting battles no one knows about.
36. I’ve been trapped in my mind, just holding on.
36. So outside of my misery, I think I’ll find a way of envisioning a better life.
37. Would I change anything about my journey? No.
38. It is all a process, the longer you wait the longer it will take.
39. I could never say I understand how you are all feeling, nor can I find the right words to say to you, but I do want you all to know, you are not alone.
40. Carry on, like flights, I just carry on. With this pain inside of my chest. Got no choice but to carry on.
41. Some people just don’t deserve you. They aren’t ready for your level of loyalty or love. You have to remember that not everyone was raised like you. Not everyone has a pure heart or good intentions like you. And not everyone has your best interest and wants to see you succeed.
42. Even after all you did to me… After all the pain… The lies, the cheating, the embarrassment. I would never let anything happen to you.
43. Where was I? When he was feeling on you with his hands, at night? Seen the vivid pictures in my head, at night It left me in tears
xxx-Tentacion Sad Quotes
44. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.
45. There is no end to the pain, you must be numb.
46. I gave her everything. She took my heart and left me lonely. I’ve been broken, heart’s contentious. I won’t fix, I’d rather weep. I’m lost then I’m found, but it’s torture being in love.
47. I’m sadder than most of you with the money and the freedom
48. Tired of feelin’ like I’m trapped in my damn mind.
49. I’m nauseous, I’m dyin’ She ripped my heart right out Can’t find her, someone to – My eyes are all cried out
50. And every single year I’m drowning in my tears, I’m drowning in my tears again.
51. I’m always where the sun don’t shine.
Ultimately, it’s worth noting that whether you’ve been a devoted XXXTentacion fan for years or are just now encountering his music, XXXTentacion Quotes provide a window into the thoughts of a gifted artist who indelibly shaped the music industry.
We sincerely hope you enjoyed our compilation of Motivational XXXTentacion Quotes. If you did, kindly share them with your friends and family. Feel free to use these inspiring XXXTentacion Quotes as your Facebook or WhatsApp statuses as well. Spread the positivity!